Code Of Ethics
Our code of ethics serves as a guiding framework for our employees, partners, and stakeholders.
Our Expectations
We expect our manufacturing partners, service providers and their contractors to fully endorse the principles of this Code of Conduct and join the global community to reduce negative environmental and social impacts.
We will assess and potentially audit our manufacturing partners and provide relevant results to our customers. It is important to help our partners to generate measurements for improvements in their business conduct towards sustainability objectives.
How we conduct business
We will search for partners, capacities and technologies based on various professional criteria, we will never ask our partners for favours, nor do we expect them to take any favours from us or third parties
- Provide enough, gender-specific, restrooms with privacy
- Provide access to food and water
- Provide adequate lighting in working and rest areas
- Provide safe operating temperatures and ventilation
- Provide first aid and proper training among the workforce
- Ensure, workers are protected from chemical, biological and physical hazards, providing personal protection equipment such as safety shoes, safety glasses, and helmets. Conduct Job Safety Assessments (JSA) to understand the relevant needs of a workplace.
- Provide and update relevant safety information and training to workers and contractors, implement emergency plans and regular exercises and response procedures to understand potential risks to be covered
- Ensure a work environment devoid of harsh and inhumane treatment (such as mental or physical coercion, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or any kind of punishment or verbal abuse of employees).
- Take appropriate action if such cases are detected and establish proper reporting channels for employees to use, without punishment.
- Prohibit the use of work that is performed involuntarily or under threat of penalty, including compelled overtime, debt bondage, forced prison labour, slavery, or servitude.
- It is not acceptable to withhold personal property, passports, pay checks, training certificates, or any other documentation.
- Avoid all use of child labour and act in line with Convention 138 (Minimum Age) and Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labor) of the International Labor Organization.
- Where local laws are stricter stipulating a higher working age or compulsory schooling, they take precedence.
- Prohibit all forms of child or forced labor (including modern slavery and human trafficking) in your own supply chain network.
- Respect the employees’ right of freedom of association and collective bargaining. Employee representatives shall not be subject to discrimination or termination of contract in retaliation for exercising employee rights, submitting grievances, participating in union activities, or reporting suspected legal violations.
- Ensure that applicable environmental, health, and safety rules and regulations are adhered to, including safeguarding the local environment.
- Have measures in place to avoid or minimize catastrophic chemicals or other material releases, as well as specific fire and explosion prevention programs in accordance with applicable safety standards.
- Identify, manage, and proactively communicate the risks and environmental impacts attached to the entire lifecycle of your products, including the development, production, distribution, use, and disposal phases of the products. Adhere to product safety regulations, label products correctly, and convey product handling instructions.
- When needed, provide proper documentation containing all necessary safety-relevant information for all hazardous substances to all applicable parties. Product information, safety data sheets, notifications, or registration confirmations, as well as uses and exposure scenarios, are all examples of this.
- Share information, knowledge, and expertise with Mstack and our customers in a proactive and transparent manner and inform about the health, safety and environmental aspects of your products.
- Have systems in place to prevent and mitigate accidental spills and releases into the environment. Emergency procedures, adequate infrastructure and personnel should be in place to treat any accidental event presenting an environmental risk.
- Use resources efficiently, reduce waste and emissions to air, land, and water, and apply energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies in your production and services.
- Measure, test, and control any waste, waste water, or emissions, and (if required) treat it prior to release into the environment. Waste should be reused or recycled where possible.
- Continually evaluate and improve products, working methods, production processes and services.
- Conduct business in an ethical and fair manner and operate in full compliance with international, national and local laws and regulations, that are applicable to your business operations including all necessary permits and licenses.
- Uphold free and fair competition and adhere to anti-trust and competition laws as well as fair trade laws. Partners, business partners and their contractors shall, in particular, not engage in any anti-competitive agreements nor abuse a potentially dominant position or relative market power.
- Have strict policies in this respect and provide regular training to employees.
- Safeguard confidentiality and only make appropriate use of confidential information provided by MStack or its respective business partners.
- Protect privacy and valid intellectual property rights of employees and business partners.duct.
Information Security and Data Privacy
- Manage, protect, and secure processes, information and systems that contain MStack`s information in any format for its confidentiality, integrity, and availability against unauthorized access, usage, disclosure, modification, or deletion.
- Enable your employees or partners to comply with this requirement and make them aware of how to process information in a secure way.
- When processing personal data, in particular, the following important requirements must be considered and ensured:
- Ensure Personal Data is processed only for legitimate business purposes
- Process Personal Data in a legal, compliant, transparent, and secure way
- Share it only with those who have permission to access Personal Data
- Ensure that Personal Data is deleted after the purpose/ legitimate basis for which it was collected has expired
- When working with external service providers, ensure that they follow the same Mstack principles for Data Privacy
Trade Laws, Corruption and Conflict of Interest
- Respect all applicable local, national, and international laws concerning trade control, anti-corruption, non-proliferation and export controls, sanctions, embargos, permits and licenses to operate, as well as secrecy and privacy protection and have implemented strict policies to ensure compliance therewith.
- Never propose, pay, or accept bribes or any form of improper advantage, be it directly or indirectly, or participate in other illegal inducements in business or government relationships or support any corrupt behaviour or any fraudulent conduct.
- Remain free of any conflict of interests when fulfilling contractual obligations.
- Alert Mstack as soon as possible about any potential conflict of interest as it arises.
- Ensure that products provided do not contain metals derived from minerals, or their derivatives, which have originated from conflict regions that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups and cause or foster human rights abuses through mining or mineral trading.
- Establish policies, due diligence frameworks, and management systems, consistent with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, that are designed to accomplish this goal.
- Apply principles of true and fair accounting practices and abstain from money laundering or tax evasion activities.
- We expect you to provide transparency about your partners and relevant supply chains for the products we source from you, as this will in total increase the trust among ourselves and the customers we serve, thus, helping to generate more business for everyone.
Lets grow together
Our Code of Conduct serves as a guiding framework for our employees, partners, and stakeholders.